Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shark Week!

Look at that smile... I bet he flosses.

Shark Week is upon us, ladies and gentlemen. And just like our fine, flippered friend, you should be smiling your pants off. I am only smiling my socks off at the moment, because I am currently without cable. When I realized that I would be missing The Discovery Channel's annual Shark Week, including such shows as Shark Attack Survival Guide, Shark Bite Beach, and Top Five Eaten Alive, I practically cried myself to sleep. Can't a guy just come home after a long day and watch a few hours of quality shark-themed television???

Then I realized that it's for the best that I'm not watching while I'm here in New York. Instead, I had my parents DVR the entire week's worth of shows in HD so I can watch them on the huge plasma screen when I go home next week! I see tens of hours on the couch eating ceviche, watching all kinds of Shark Week "reruns".

And now for a little audience participation: What's your favorite thing about shark week? What's your favorite kind of shark? Have you ever eaten shark? Has a shark ever eaten you? How did that make you feel? Discuss.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Shark-Attack" Yazge

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