Monday, August 31, 2009

L'arte economica e la moda costosa

Our recreation of Statue. Below: detail.

Personally, I find it rather beautiful what we were able to accomplish. I've always been a big fan of performance art anyway.

We decided to visit the Uffizi, which is the larger and more famous of the Florentine museums. They have a sculpture garden outside, and we thought that instead of just observing the art, we really wanted to throw ourselves into it. There are others, but this is the only one I managed to capture on my camera. I know my arms aren't quite right, but I think my well-defined calf muscles make up for that, don't you? Of course we spent plenty of time looking at the rest of the art on display: Botticelli's Primavera and Birth of Venus, and plenty of iconography. Personally I prefer the Byzantine style - you know, where Jesus and everyone else is accurately depicted? The European blonde hair and rosey cheeked Jesus just doesn't do it for me. He was a Jew, he probably had an awesome tan and a big nose. Just saying.

In other news, yet slightly related, I finally broke down and bought sandals. The few Italians I've spoken to were very adamant about the fact that Italians don't wear flip flops, only tourists do. So, on my never ending quest to fit in, I decided to forgo the pair of Havaianas I was thiking of buying (which were 20 Euro) for a pair of Birkenstocks. I KNOW, I KNOW! What was I thinking?! I'm not even going to put how much I paid for them... but they're gladiator style. AND today I bought my Italian-English dictionary on sale, so I figured that was enough reason to splurge on some gorgeous leather sandals? Isn't that how that works? They're wearable art (see how it's slightly related to the Uffizi trip?) And if it makes you feel better, they're a model that isn't sold in the US, AND they are around half the price of normal Birkenstocks. So that gives you a ballpark range. Plus I feel it's an investment, for my podiatric health. Plus, Jesus wore sandals. End of discussion.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Buon Artista" Yazge

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Il bar e' la mia chiesa

Cafe freddo is amazing...

So I decided to go to the only Orthodox church in Florence this morning. I should have known from my brief phone experience yesterday that liturgy wasn't going to go so hot... I called and told the priest that I was an American student studying here for the semester and that I was Orthodox. This was all in Italian mind you, meaning I used up almost every word I know in the language. As I was asking what time Liturgy was, he just said "What do you want." I asked again in English, and he said "9 o'clock." I said, "OK. I'll be there!" - happily and with enthusiasm I'd like to note. He just said "OK" - like a jerk, I'd like to note - and hung up.

This morning, no one came up to talk to me, everything was in Slavonic, it was really hot and gross, and the choir was ungodly flat. The only hymn that I recognized was the Kedvrov Our Father, but the base section, instead of distinctly singing each note in each of the 5 note runs, just sloppily slid their way up and ruined the whole thing. In short, it was just like I was in a church in the US: rude, stand-offish, and with poor choir. AND the priest didn't even say anything to me when I went to kiss the cross. Fr. Giorgio Rude-ioni.

BUT HAVE FAITH! My hope in mankind was restored... by a barista! Duh! I wanted a cafe freddo, so I stopped at this bar. The guy understood all of my Italian, smiled, and when I started trying to put sugar in, he politely stopped me (in Italian, and I understood him, thank you very much) and then gave me simple syrup. "Benissimo, no?" Si. Certo. And to make things even better, he was singing along to a Springstein song that was on in the bar. This is why in Italy, baristas should replace the priests.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Simple Syrup" Yazge

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bailare con undici donne

Central Park: the club we went to last night. Glad we could bring a little bit of New York with us...

So I fulfilled my destiny last night. I was the only guy out with 11 girls, which was FANTASTIC at the door. We didn't wait in line, and two of the girls had already made friends with the bouncer earlier in the week so we got in for free! One of the girls thought it would be hilarious to tell him that I was their pimp, to which he replied - in so many words - that I most certainly was not. I then had to count all the girls out in Italian. Normally all this isn't bad, just funny... until you get the job of keeping the creepers on the dance floor from pecking the weak girls away from the herd. You could totally see the guys circling like vultures or sharks around spilt blood, but there were enough of us that we'd just start dancing around whomever was being creeped on at the moment. By far and away though, here's my favorite moment:

One of the girls was dancing with an Italian guy (right next to us, don't worry), and mid-song she leans over and starts having me translate for her. An Italian girl then comes over and starts talking to said Italian creeper in Italian, then takes my friend aside and proceeds to tell her (in English) that the guy has 3 girlfriends and he's not to be trusted. My friend says that all she wanted to do was dance with him (duh). Italian girl likes the sound of this and then says "OK. Good. But he's a good kisser though. You should at least try that."


Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Harem-Protector" Yazge

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dov'e' la mia camicetta?

Yes, this would be where I went running yesterday: the Arno.

When I normally go running, I'm used to do so without a shirt on. Not because I like the way the wind feels in my armpit hair or because I like to show off (mainly because I don't really have anything to show off), but because it's just a lot more comfortable. AND you don't get a horrible farmer's tan. So yesterday I FINALLY got my luggage back from the shady, shady Swiss, which means I now have my running clothes and shoes. Now for some reason I was really concerned that I was going to get arrested if I went running without a shirt, but it was around 5 million degrees outside. Roughly. So I decided to keep my shirt on at least until I got out of the touristy area and made it down to the river. What I forgot to do was put my shirt back on when I made it back into the center of the city. It was like trying to run through the middle of Lincoln Center or 5th Ave. topless... only people actually do that in New York. Where we're staying is right by their designer stores, most famous museums, the cathedral of the city, the works. So there's tons of people everywhere. They're just going to have to get used to my love handles.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "River-Runner" Yazge

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pantaloncini Verdi

Me, in my snazy new "hand-made" shorts!

It's officially my third day in Italy, and there's still no sign of my luggage. I'm beginning to get worried/really irked at those shifty shifty Swiss. You can't trust a people whose national cheese has holes in it. They can hide things in those holes, like deep dark secrets and dead bodies... or your suitcases.

I didn't want to wear the same pants every day for a week (we're still figuring out how to use our washing machine - it takes a minimum of 2 hours to wash clothes here). So we went on an adventure to find shorts. Apparently that season has passed, because none of the stores had them... womp womp. So instead, I bought these bright green skinny jeans. They looked like I was wearing tights and planning on auditioning to play Peter Pan. I took a pair of scissors to them, and TAH DAH! Feast your eyes on those puppies!

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Cut-off-Makin'" Yazge

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


To be fair, I don't know when or where this image is from, but it demonstrates my point very well.

It's HOT HOT HOT here! I'm sweating like a kid at fat camp. I'm up before the rest of my housemates, because I couldn't sleep anymore. So, I thought I'd be nice and try to put together the fan, you know, so I can stop dying. I'm hoping that they just moved the fan blades, otherwise they got completely hosed and were sold a fan without blades.

Also, I need a mega fan on me at all time while sleeping, or in some way I need to reinvent the air conditioner. It's not below me to sleep with ice packs. I think it's a brilliant idea. And then I'll just put them back in the freezer during the day. Next to our frozen lizard. Yes, a frozen lizard. First thing we see as we're looking into our freezer is a little amphibian friend that has been frosted over. I'm just afraid he has family that's going to want to visit, and they wont be little popsicles...

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Flop Sweatin'" Yazge

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sto stanco...


First of all, Swiss Air is fantastic. I got to watch Star Trek... and they had good food. Even thought they lost my luggage, I'm a fan of Swiss. Swiss Swiss Swiss. Can you tell I'm tired? I only got 2 hours of sleep since Monday. Non bene.

Italy is beautiful. We're eating bread and cheese. It's glorious. Also, I'm very sweaty. And gross. And tired. So I'm going to go. Don't cry yourselves to sleep....

Ciao Bella!

-Matteo "Brie-eatin'" Yazge

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hey all!

I'm at JFK, hanging out. Love that I get internet here (even if I did have to pay for it.. WOMP!) Wish me well! Say a little prayer that I make it there safely! I will miss all of you!

Ciao Bella!

-Matteo "Now Boarding" Yazge

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Buon viaggio!

This may be the only way I keep from losing my phone again...

And so the journey begins!

After a wonderful last day with the family – and a brief midnight meltdown caused by either nerves, lack of sleep, or the wonderful musical stylings of Ms. Ingrid Michaelson (you choose which) – I’m now East-ward bound. I’m in New York through Monday evening at 8:50 when Swiss Air will whisk me away! I’ve managed to leave my cell phone at home though… so much for my long Sunday of phone calls back home to say goodbye to everyone. Yes, I realize that we can add this to the epic list of my failures. My poor little phone has been through so much this summer. It probably just wanted to jump ship, especially after being abandoned at a bar for several days. The good thing is I couldn’t use it in Italy anyway. At least this way I wont lose it… again.

Another feat that I think we should be very proud of is my newfound ability to pack lightly. Neither one of my suitcases are those jumbo international ones. I have one medium sized bag and a smaller duffle bag. For THREE AND A HALF MONTHS of travel. This is coming from the guy who subscribes to the “If you don’t pack it, you can’t wear it” philosophy. As in, I would pack my entire closet because if anything was left at home, I’d probably want to wear it.

So today’s favorite thing? Learning to make due: sans cell phone, sans large suitcase.

Ciao Bella!

-Matteo “Due-Makin’” Yazge

Friday, August 21, 2009

L'amore Della Mia Vita


So I think I'm packed now. OK, that's a boldfaced lie... But I have one of my suitcases packed. 50% ain't bad. I mean, I should probably get on top of that soon, seeing as I'm leaving at 8am tomorrow. It's just so hard saying no to certain clothes... being like "No, I'm sorry comfortable and well-tailored cardigan. You are not good enough to come with me. Instead of seeing the Tuscan landscape, you have to stay in my dingy Greensburg basement." If you were that cardigan, you'd be heartbroken too.

AND to make packing even harder, I realized that I could download the new Ingrid Michaelson CD early... as in, I now have it in my iTunes. On repeat. Forever. This CD is epic. It will change your life, your world view, and your diaper all at the same time. That's a lot of things to be changed. If you go to her website you can get the CD now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Normally I wouldn't have paid this much for a CD, but I won't be able to get it when I'm in Europe, and I can't go an entire semester without my Ingy.

As proof that she's amazing, I give you the widget that's been on my wall:

Love her. Now. Always. Forever.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Ingrid-Lover" Yazge


Sales are quite possibly the best things ever. GAP had a buy one get one. It even counted on sale stuff. It was like a giant, cotton haze. After I figured out all the stuff I could apply the sale to, I just started grabbing things off the shelf left and right... You'd think that a large doesn't fit, but for $8.99, you'll find ways to make a sweater fit. The only problem? I now have a LOT more clothes that I need to make fit into my suitcase.

I also braved the sales rack at Forever 21 to help the little sister find back to school clothes. I OWNED that store. Even found a rain jacket for Gabby. I think I win the best older brother/friend's older brother award. Hands down.

We also tried making another movie tonight, making fun of MTV's Made. We each had a goal in life. Alexis's goal? To be killed by Jason Mraz.

Ciao Bella

-Matteo "Bargain-Hunter" Yazge

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Per l'amore di cucinare

I really want to get her cookbooks now... though I don't think I could handle de-boning a duck. That's just not going to happen.

I went with the madge and the midge today to see Julie&Julia. It was really good, but not so big of a surprise there. You can't go wrong with Meryl Streep. Pure genius. The ironic thing is that after watching this brilliant movie about exquisite French cooking, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Yes, I can hear your internal groans from here... it was a little ridic.

Something that came up in J&J was how Julie feels obligated to write to her blog followers. I'd like to let all 2 of you that read this, that I too feel dedicated to you. I wake up every morning thinking to myself, "Self, how can I make today more enjoyable for my reader..." And if it's a particularly good morning, I wake up thinking to myself, "Self, how can I make today more enjoyable for my readerS!?" See? It's a good day because I think there's someone besides my mother reading this, making sure that I'm not bringing shame on the whole family. SCORE!

So, give me some lovin'. If you've read this far, give me a comment.

Or two...

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Comment-wanting" Yazge

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Verde e delizioso

God bless the avocado...

I made some pretty amazing guacamole today. But when is guacamole not amazing? Only when it comes in a pre-made package. I'm all about fresh produce and making things on your own. Definitely healthier that way, and when you buy from a green market, you're supporting local. But I digress...

I got the idea from a Whole Foods recipe and from the best guacamole I've ever eaten in all my life... more to follow on that another day. The guacamole I made had food-processed (yes, i just made that a verb) edamame. That's soy beans for the non-foodies of the group. So not only is this guac fresh and delicious, but it's a superfood balance of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats (unsaturated). Add some fresh chopped red onion, poblano pepper, garlic, cilantro, fresh-squeezed lime juice, diced tomato and chili powder, and you've got yourself some killer guac. Not guacamole that kills you, like a big old godzilla-monster avocado. Just some mad deliciousness. Or happy deliciousness. You pick.

Ciao Bella,

Matteo "Monster-Guac" Yazge

P.S. - this post was brought to you by the hyphen.

Friday, August 14, 2009


James Morrison is my hero.

Today's favorite things originate from a wandering journey I took to SOHO back in freshman year. It was when Lauren came to visit, and we thought we would go see what could find South of Houston. We stumbled upon Ben Sherman, which quickly became one of my favorite stores in that neighborhood.
While we were there, I heard a song that got stuck in my head... and like any good song that gets stuck in my head for the first time, I didn't know what it was. I later found out it was James Morrison.

I recently rediscovered both Ben Sherman and James Morrison. Both are British, so I really think it's just the Inghilterra trying to get me to visit. It knows I'm coming to Europe soon, and it's beckoning. The other night I was waiting for Kat and Jaclyn to get into town, and I decided to wander down Broadway, when I saw Ben Sherman. I went in with the intention of finding a rain coat, or something that was really nice and I could try to excuse to my bank account as semi-rain-proof. For some reason the stuff I tried on had an awkward fit, but that's probably just because I have an awkward body. I don't want to discourage anyone from trying it out. But the sales people had no problem telling me how cute I was. And this is why EVERYONE should shop there. As much as I'd love to think that I'm just that genuinely attractive, I'm pretty sure it was a sales tactic. But hey, I'll take it wherever I can get it. Shower me with compliments and smiles and batted lashes, and I'm so yours. I might even buy something.

Oh, and I just downloaded the latest James Morrison CD. Good times, but not as exciting as being hit on by an entire store's closing shift.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Cute Jacket" Yazge

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

La mia compleanno

This is a fairly accurate representation of how I felt all day today: happy, full, and a little messy. I swear, this weather makes me feel like I'm constantly drenched in sweat. But as far as birthdays go, this one was pretty awesome. I think I'll add birthdays to my hypothetical list of favorite things... right between ice cream and mojitos.

I'm a little worried that I'll be upset tomorrow when no one thinks that the day should be all about me. Everyday should be my birthday. And there should always be cake. Lots and lots of cake. But alas, it is no longer my birthday. We're a good 9 minutes past that. So I need to stop celebrating and start packing. There's something that is definitely NOT one of my favorite things: packing. Anyone want to do that for me?

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "birthday-havin'" Yazge

Monday, August 10, 2009

Menta, Zucchero, e Amore

My favorite thing of the day is the mojito vibe, specifically the Bacardi Mojito Vibe. The BMV if you will. This commercial rocks my socks, and the song is the official theme of my 21st! Yes, I get a theme song. It's only fair.

But mojitos are amazing. I met up with Chandana tonight for Cuban and mojitos in anticipation of my berfday. We had a wonderful time, because clearly - as the people at the restaurant have continually assured us - Cuba is the only place to meet up with old friends. As soon as we're rich enough, we'll go do mojitos with Elian. He's got to be old enough for that by now, no? If not we'll toast to Fidel's health.

Just as a disclaimer: don't have too many mojitos, or you may lose your phone at a hotel bar. Not that I have first hand experience or anything... or like that first hand experience happened, oh, I don't know, say this weekend. Which is why as a PS we have decided that "Lost and Found" should be EVERYONE'S favorite thing. And by we, I mean me and my phone.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Mojito-Makin'" Yazge

Friday, August 7, 2009

Padroneggiare l'arte della cucina francese

Taylor had this fantastic idea today... but let me start from the very beginning. It's a very good place to start.

(Please tell me that reference wasn't lost on everyone... here's a picture to help)

So I've been on this Julia Childs kick. The movie's coming out, and I've been cooking a lot. I'm going to Italy and really want to do the whole Tuscan chef thing... Anyway, I've been making reference to "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (MtAoFC) a lot in the past few days, and also talking about all the food I've made in the past few days: Mint Chocolate Crêpes, Whole Wheat French Toast, etc. (Both of which were delicious... not that I had to tell you, of course. Everything I make is delicious.) I then made a post on Facebook about these exotic chocolate bars that my mom wanted me to check out. Which by the way, their website makes them look deceptively large. They're not. They're petite, which is a nice way of saying unreasonably small and over-priced. But since when has that ever stopped me?

At this point, Taylor gets the brilliant idea that I should start doing that for my blog. Not buy expensive things, but write about them... and other things that I really enjoy/get interested in. "Matt's Favorite Thing of the Day" or something, in blog format. Or a website. Or an e-mail service. And then Taylor decided it should be all three. Kat liked the idea of a text service. But the whole over-arching idea is that I would write about my favorite things... (Girls in white dresses and blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Are you getting the reference now?)

So today I tribute to The Sound of Music - in case you failed to notice the lyrics that have peppered this post. I know, I know. SoM is a little lame to be one of my favorite things, even if it has a song all about favorite things. But it does have a solid nun theme working in its favor, and as I've previously established, nuns kick ass. Deal with it.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Nun-lovin'" Yazge