Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wino Wednesday: On a Thursday

I don't know, what's amatta with you?

A Wednesday went by without a Wino Wednesday post. Surprisingly, I woke up this beautiful Thursday morning and the world was still here. PHEWWW! Now that we know the world indeed will go on despite my blogging activity (or lack thereof), I'd like to cheers the unconventional and the non-time-specific!

I bought this bottle of Casamatta last week, relying on it to help me read some of my Italian books over the weekend. As you can guess, the wine is gone and those books aren't very much further read. But it's the thought that counts, which raises a good point. When you're looking for good pairings for wine, don't always limit yourself to food. Other inanimate objects work just as well: books, movies, magazines, taxidermy animals. But perhaps the best pairing is another person. I really felt like a 90-year-old ex-professor sitting around in my apartment sipping on a Tuscan wine and reading in a different language. It was a very good wine though. I'd seriously recommend it, and if you can get yourself to Astor Wines, it's on sale for $10/bottle.

I was discussing my propensity for old-man activities before class started yesterday, and how I stand in stark contrast to one of my friends who is planning on getting married in the next year. Rather glibly I said that I couldn't even think about marriage, and as far as I was concerned I was planning on dying alone; I'd already taken all the proper steps to make sure that happened, and it really seemed like my best option at this point. A couple people overheard and laughed along with us. I'm assuming it was 'with', and not 'at' me. The point is don't drink alone. You'll die alone.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Die-alone" Yazge

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