Monday, May 17, 2010

SUMMER! (and I'M BACK!... again)

Hey big ol' park in the middle of Manhattan!

I know, I know. I keep disappearing. You could blame it on finals. You could blame it on me having to move into a new apartment. You could even blame it on the current political climate in Thailand, not that it would make much sense to. But now that it's officially summer, I'm going to make a concerted effort to post something up here every day. I figure I'll start today with a little story about my weekend:

A story by The Ugly American

Once upon a time, it was summer and everyone was really happy about that. One of those really happy people was the Ugly American. Despite popular belief, he had friends, and they all went to Central Park together. The Ugly American wasn't much of one for physical exertion, so he passed out on the great lawn for over an hour. When he woke up, he played some paddleball, or at least that's what we're calling it because no one is really sure what the hell that thing was called. It just involved two big paddles and a ball. No one is even very sure of the rules. In fact, there probably aren't any, because this is America and you can just get used to that. Also, a mean old lady yelled at some kids playing soccer, and the Ugly American was pretty sure that her uterus dried up inside her body, preparing to call it quits before that woman thought it was a good idea to become a mother. Oh, and then the Ugly American went with his friends to 7Eleven and got a slurpee, and even though every one thought that was going to be a good idea, it really wasn't and it was actually kind of gross. THE END!

How'd you like my story? Pultizer material, no?

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Parks Department" Yazge

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