Monday, November 23, 2009

La Grecia

Is it any less pathetic if it's in Greek???

Yes. That's right. I went all the way to Thessaloniki, Greece just so I could see New Moon. Not really. But we did see it. It's way better when there's a theater full of Greek teenagers to react to. They giggle and scream and squeal and clap like they're on uppers. It was such an experience that I wrote a sound poem about it on the flight back. A flight, by the way, that almost came plummeting out of the sky. The guy in front of us was deranged and kept banging his head against the window and putting his hand up as if he was going to pull the emergency hatch open. Legit crazy.

But without further ado, my Grecian Poem:

Dinner and a Movie
by the Ugly American

Rosé. Rosie. Roses.
All of the above.
Restaurant recommends rare recipe.
Steamin' stuffed squid.
Bottle bare before bill.
Stroll shore to see a show.
Gaggles of giggling girlies gone gaga.
Try to tolerate tween Twilight twitterings
Wine weacts wiff wafter.
Oops! Ouzo overboard!*
Why would yoooo watch whatever welse?
Greek gastronomy gleefully agrees!
My meatless mousaka moved me!
Vegan vamps vin!

*Should've shared shots shtory shwen we shleft the shore. Sho shorry.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Il Vampiro" Yazge

1 comment:

  1. Love the poem, you are hilarious. Now get a twitter so we can tweet!
