Lots of things at the Tower of London (from top down): White Tower, Tower Bridge, awesome sign, contemporary guard, old-timey guard.
Oh the Tower of London. It's such a peaceful place... now. I got there right as the tower opened, and there weren't many people around. It was nice to walk around and learn about torture and executions, and top it all off with a nice treacle tart.
I would have taken pictures of the Crown Jewels, but they wouldn't let me. Sad day. I don't understand why not. It's not like I'm going to go home and use my own world's largest diamond to make an even better one... although, you know, I just might. To prove how stupid it is that you can't take pictures. I also wasn't allowed to take pictures in the White Tower (which is the building that you think of when you hear "The Tower of London", the tower 'proper'). That was almost more upsetting. There was an exhibit on called "Henry VIII: Dressed to Kill". Perfect name. I was never convinced that we ditched the wives because they didn't give him viable sons. I was convinced it was because he didn't find the right... *cough*man*cough*.... woman. Why else would he be dressed to kill? Because he's FAB-U-LOUUUS! But really the exhibit was all about his suits of armor, which was really cool. It was put together by the History Channel. Though I was upset to find that not a single actor from the Showtime series The Tudors were on display. Foul move.
My Breakfast
When I got tired of looking at things, I decided I was ready to start eating things. So convenient that they have a little cafe in the Tower. Where else would the prisoners have high tea? I tried my first treacle tart, which is now by far my favorite type of tart. I also got a scone with clotted cream and jam. You just have to. I'm pretty sure it's British Law. I didn't want to get thrown into the tower. It's fun for a while, but I'm pretty sure it'd get a bit gloomy after a while...
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Treacle Tart" Yazge
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