Friday, January 15, 2010


Oh Peyton, you're so funny...

So the Colts game is tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that we don't blow it like we've done in almost every other post-season. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to actually watch the game. As a part of RA winter training, we have a "social night" for all the RAs on campus. It's a Winter Olympics theme. So I guess I'll play dodgeball for Peyton? I've yet to look for one of those text message services that texts you the score of the game and updates, etc. But if my wonderful readers (all six of you) wouldn't mind watching the game, rooting on the boys, and texting me with periodic updates, I'd be extremely grateful! And I'll even dedicate an entire post to the person with the best game updates! There may or may not be a haiku involved... but don't get too excited. I don't want to cause a riot over people wanting haikus in their honor. There's enough to go around. No need to get violent. Peyton wouldn't want that.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Manning-Fanning" Yazge

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