It's such a pretty building in which we accomplishing little to nothing as a nation.
This week has been a little hectic. So, I apologize for the lack of posts. In all reality it's you who should be consoling me. I can't believe I'm this busy, and it's only the first week of the semester. I'm just glad that there were no incidents during my first night on duty as an RA. For good measure, I told all my residents that under to circumstances were they allowed to shoot heroin into their eyeballs in the lobby. Not while I was on duty. But I digress.
Currently, I am in DC (in my cousin's kitchen, to be more specific). It wasn't the easiest of trips to get here though. When I stopped by my apartment after work I realized I had forgotten my cell phone back at the office. So, I only had thirty minutes to rush back to pick it up and make it to the Bolt Bus on time. And of course, because I'm a genius, I did it all while trying to carry a cup full of hot tea, which inevitably spilled all over my hand several times. I ended up catching a cab from the office over to Penn Station, and was literally banging on the door of the bus as it was pulling away. The driver gave me the most apathetic look I'd seen all day, and then kept driving. Lucky for me Bolt Bus has buses that run every 30 minutes, so I didn't have to wait that long.
Well, as much as I'd love to stick around and chat some more about different times I've lost my cell phone, I need to go get ready for the day. I'm meeting some friends this afternoon to run around DC. We're doing all the museums, monuments, etc. I'll let you know how it goes!
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Barely Bolted" Yazge
i love how you say all the museums, monuments, etc....when in reality it was one museum. but followed by an awesome taco night with the amazing me!