In honor of Ricky.
So two crazy things happened yesterday: 1) Ricky Martin declared his undying love for the mens, and 2) I stumbled across this ridiculous video on YouTube. I know I'm probably the last one to see this Lady Gaga Chatroulette thing, but I thought it was hysterical. This just shows what people do when they have too much time on their hands. They either A) have twins via a surrogate and name them Mateo and Valentino (awesome names btw), or B) dress in drag and dance around on a video chatroom to Lady Gaga. It just seemed fitting that I discuss/share these things together. Thematically, I find them very similar. In a slightly unrelated topic, is anyone interested in being my not-so-surrogate? We'll one up Martin and have triplets, then give them even more Latin names. I'm thinking Guiermo, Maria-Josefina, and J-Lo? Let me know if you're interested. I'll buy you a drank.
Before I go, I'd like to do for Ricky Martin what I did for Betty White. I would now like to share with you the many faces of Ricky.
Ricky, Former Pop Singing Sensation
Ricky, Proud Father of Two
Ricky, Soon to be Author of a Memoir
(He's going to stand in front of a mirror and copy down that t-shirt a million times. It's going to be riveting)
Ricky, Tattoo Enthusiast
And last but not least....
Ricky, "Fortunate Homosexual Man" (all quotes courtesy of Ricky Martin press release)
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "He Bangs, He Bangs" Yazge