A scholar and a gentleman... sort of.
That's right. I saw the man, the legend, the Gold-medal-goal-scorer in action. My friend Mel Zahnd, the awesomest guy ever, managed to get us tickets to go see the Rangers-Penguins hockey game last night. It was AMAZING. Sydney Crosby (above) was as epically awesome as ever. The Penguins came from behind to send the game into overtime and win the game. Amazing.
So that was last night. Today, I went in for my followup interview with Havaianas, and instead of having an interview, I got offered the job! Hooray job! What could get better than selling flip-flops? Jamie asked me today if this meant that I wasn't going to be applying for law school this summer instead of working. For the record that was an option that was only fleetingly considered, mainly because Jamie was making me consider it because she didn't want to go to Emory by herself. I told her that she needed to ask herself a very important question: would you rather have to fight your way through the LSATs, law school, and then the world of corporate law, or would you rather sell flip-flops. Problem solved.
The last bit today is about hand-grenades. I'm not entirely sure why, but I felt that today's title needed a third H word. I hadn't played horseshoes, so I couldn't include that. But I guess the past 24 hours has had so much excitement and awesomeness, that it feels like a hand-grenade full of adrenaline and smiles has gone off in my life? I dunno. It's kind of a stretch.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Hand-grenade" Yazge
yayayayayayy! Um, employee discount???? ;)