Jer-sey [joi-zee] noun
1. any of various close-fitting usually circular-knitted garments especially for the upper body
2. any of a breed of small short-horned predominantly yellowish brown or fawn dairy cattle noted for their rich milk
3. a land from which many crazy women hail
Seriously. I'd never seen this The Real Housewives of New Jersey until Marie introduced me to it. It's WAY off the deep end, but is perfect if you're in the mood for trashy television. If the accents and obscene displays of wealth don't do it for you, the fighting and table tossing will. Honestly, if you haven't seen the season finale, you have to stop reading right now and go watch it. Your life will never be the same.
In other news, I'm tired. Sorry!
Ciao Bella!
-Matteo "Housewife-watchin'" Suave
While I could only stomach about 15 minutes of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, I am inordinately excited about NYC Prep. I feel like the drama is excusable when the perpetrators are like 15.