In case there's anyone out there who still doesn't know, I'm going to Florence, Italy - or Firenze - for the fall semester. For the benefit of everyone stateside, I thought it would be a good idea to write about my experience abroad. That way you all know I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere, because odds are I wont be making too many phone calls to let you know I made it home OK. It's more likely that the Italian government will start enforcing sexual harassment laws. Just saying.
Most blogs have a thing. You know, like, recipe of the day, or interesting thought. Embarrassing picture. Something. I feel I should have one of those too. Let me know what you think it should be. Look at me, being all presumptuous. Like anyone is actually reading this. Oh, and don't think I don't realize that I'm not technically in Italy yet. I figured I might as well start now, that way I get in the habit.

Speaking of habits, I originally wanted to name this blog "Under the Tuscan Nun". My maternal unit frowned on that... imagine.
(Love you madre!) So occasionally there will be a picture of a nun, or multiple nuns, being funny. Just to spite my mother. If that's the worst I do by my mother - which for the record, it is - I think we're all OK. So a quick thanks to everyone else who helped with brainstorming: Kat, Erin, Taylor, Liz, Lex, Sheila (Buon Compleanno!). I'll dedicate more time and space on here to each of you. I have all summer to burn before I have anything Italiany to talk about. Unless I go get gelato some day, which is entirely possible. And now I'm rambling...
Ciao Bella!
well matteo, i was indeed readig your blog (it's not like you told me to about 4 times) and i appreciate the recogntion. So while you run off to the lovely and scenic (sp?) italy, i will be stuck here in good ol' latrobe... keep that in mind and bring back gifts. please and thank you (:
Since when does Italy enforce its sexual harassment laws? You have obviously never beena young lady in Italy.
ReplyDeletedo you know what I really enjoy about Italy?
Premier Berusconi.
I vote at least a couple times a month you need a section dedicated to him. You can brainstorm the title for this segment but I feel he will provide lots of fun material for your oh so witty commentary.
(If you have no clue what I am talking about google him. Then watch John Stewarts Daily Show, where they discuss him. Amazing)
i think that your blog should have interesting pictures, my random thoughts and a recipe. everyone will love you best. well, not as much as they love me....but if i were you i'd take the close second.
ReplyDeletehahahaha "But hey, if Stephenie Meyer can get a book deal, I should at least be allowed to start a travel blog."
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the picture, and I claim some sort of credit for taking it/being in it.