Why so down in the dumps?
We went to the opera tonight (don't worry, I'll get to that tomorrow) and I had to stay up finishing some work, but I couldn't resist writing about this once I saw the articles uploading around the web.
Yes. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy, alleged sexual deviant, anti-trust violator, Mussolini Jr, guy who makes us glad the worst we've had in a while was a stained blue dress. He no longer has diplomatic immunity. Italy's Constitutional Court overruled a piece of legislation that gave Berlusconi and 3 other top officials immunity from prosecution. Mind you, he was the one that pushed for this law in the first place. While no immediate consequences are 100% clear, it's rather obvious that the big B's footing isn't quite as steady as it used to be. Also, what 73-year-old has jet-black hair? Dye job.
Do you smell that? It's a juicy and a little sweet. Someone's goose is cooked.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Sleep-deprived" Yazge
i don't know why you're so excited about this. i thought we liked our felons free and out in the open...? oh, wait. that's just if you're antiochian ;)