Shock on the face of Chicago after it lost the bid for the 2016 Olympic Games... it's delicious.
OK. I love Chicago. I do. It's a wonderful city. But you HAVE to love the ridiculousness of these people's reactions. Especially the lady in the jean jacket? Hello Midwest! We have reverted to wearing denim on the upper halves of our bodies again. It was worth me posting again today. Aren't you tickled?

Sure. We all would have loved to go to the Olympics here because it's cheaper. I get that. But now it just means we get to go to Rio. Lots more fun. Lots more beach. But I think where Chicago went wrong involves the sign being held by the woman in the lower right. Oprah?! Really... No, no, no. Pushy Americans scare the rest of the world, and no one embodies the pushy American more than Oprah. That crazy lady is hell-bent on total world domination. Frankly I'm shocked that the had the guts to tell her no. She could buy and sell them five times over. Or whatever it is that rich people use their money to do to poor people. Put it in a big bag and then beat them over the head with it?
My approach would have been completely different. Here's who I would have sent in lieu of the big "O":
(In the mean time, Miss ISU 2009!)
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Rio Ruvin'" Yazge
I vote yes for Taylor!!! Woo!!!