Friday, August 14, 2009


James Morrison is my hero.

Today's favorite things originate from a wandering journey I took to SOHO back in freshman year. It was when Lauren came to visit, and we thought we would go see what could find South of Houston. We stumbled upon Ben Sherman, which quickly became one of my favorite stores in that neighborhood.
While we were there, I heard a song that got stuck in my head... and like any good song that gets stuck in my head for the first time, I didn't know what it was. I later found out it was James Morrison.

I recently rediscovered both Ben Sherman and James Morrison. Both are British, so I really think it's just the Inghilterra trying to get me to visit. It knows I'm coming to Europe soon, and it's beckoning. The other night I was waiting for Kat and Jaclyn to get into town, and I decided to wander down Broadway, when I saw Ben Sherman. I went in with the intention of finding a rain coat, or something that was really nice and I could try to excuse to my bank account as semi-rain-proof. For some reason the stuff I tried on had an awkward fit, but that's probably just because I have an awkward body. I don't want to discourage anyone from trying it out. But the sales people had no problem telling me how cute I was. And this is why EVERYONE should shop there. As much as I'd love to think that I'm just that genuinely attractive, I'm pretty sure it was a sales tactic. But hey, I'll take it wherever I can get it. Shower me with compliments and smiles and batted lashes, and I'm so yours. I might even buy something.

Oh, and I just downloaded the latest James Morrison CD. Good times, but not as exciting as being hit on by an entire store's closing shift.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Cute Jacket" Yazge

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