Yes, this would be where I went running yesterday: the Arno.
When I normally go running, I'm used to do so without a shirt on. Not because I like the way the wind feels in my armpit hair or because I like to show off (mainly because I don't really have anything to show off), but because it's just a lot more comfortable. AND you don't get a horrible farmer's tan. So yesterday I FINALLY got my luggage back from the shady, shady Swiss, which means I now have my running clothes and shoes. Now for some reason I was really concerned that I was going to get arrested if I went running without a shirt, but it was around 5 million degrees outside. Roughly. So I decided to keep my shirt on at least until I got out of the touristy area and made it down to the river. What I forgot to do was put my shirt back on when I made it back into the center of the city. It was like trying to run through the middle of Lincoln Center or 5th Ave. topless... only people actually do that in New York. Where we're staying is right by their designer stores, most famous museums, the cathedral of the city, the works. So there's tons of people everywhere. They're just going to have to get used to my love handles.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "River-Runner" Yazge
great story! keep your adventures up!!!!