(Please tell me that reference wasn't lost on everyone... here's a picture to help)

So I've been on this Julia Childs kick. The movie's coming out, and I've been cooking a lot. I'm going to Italy and really want to do the whole Tuscan chef thing... Anyway, I've been making reference to "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (MtAoFC) a lot in the past few days, and also talking about all the food I've made in the past few days: Mint Chocolate Crêpes, Whole Wheat French Toast, etc. (Both of which were delicious... not that I had to tell you, of course. Everything I make is delicious.) I then made a post on Facebook about these exotic chocolate bars that my mom wanted me to check out. Which by the way, their website makes them look deceptively large. They're not. They're petite, which is a nice way of saying unreasonably small and over-priced. But since when has that ever stopped me?
At this point, Taylor gets the brilliant idea that I should start doing that for my blog. Not buy expensive things, but write about them... and other things that I really enjoy/get interested in. "Matt's Favorite Thing of the Day" or something, in blog format. Or a website. Or an e-mail service. And then Taylor decided it should be all three. Kat liked the idea of a text service. But the whole over-arching idea is that I would write about my favorite things... (Girls in white dresses and blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Are you getting the reference now?)
So today I tribute to The Sound of Music - in case you failed to notice the lyrics that have peppered this post. I know, I know. SoM is a little lame to be one of my favorite things, even if it has a song all about favorite things. But it does have a solid nun theme working in its favor, and as I've previously established, nuns kick ass. Deal with it.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Nun-lovin'" Yazge
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