Last night Jamie and I were considering going on a pub crawl that one of the local tourist agencies was leading. We thought that'd mean going to some quintessential European pubs. You know, old men telling war stories, lots of soccer fans, singing crazy drunken songs... the works. We're cheap, so we thought we'd just meet up with the pub crawl people at the last bar as opposed to paying the $15 to go to all three.
This place, Red Garter, was definitely not what we were expecting. Granted it was an ex-pat bar, but that's no excuse. There weren't so many ex-pats as there were obnoxious American students and two or three older creepy Italians lurking in the corner. There was a beer pong tournament, some crappy cover band playing in the back room, and 90's music blasting everywhere else. I don't go to these types of bars when I'm in the states, so why would I want to go to one here? (Although to be fair, they have the Sunday football games live every week at 7pm... that may need to happen.) Forget finding old men with crazy war stories, I couldn't even find anyone that looked old enough to remember what happened in the first Gulf War, let alone talk about Nam or the damn Nazis. Oh, and the soccer game that was on the one TV they had turned on? It was the European version of ESPN Classic. Fail.
On the bright side, there was plenty for Jamie and I to make fun of while we drank our beer. Heineken goes down so much better with laughter at someone else's expense.
Ciao Bella
Matteo "Pub Problems" Yazge
Darling, the problem is that you went on a pub crawl with a tourist agency. They just take you to tourist places.