Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I polpi: un'opera BUFFA!

It didn't look like this, per se, but it most certainly felt like it.

So I bought an octopus the other day at the market. Fresh. Cleaned. Thank GOD! I tried cleaning 2 pounds of calamari on my own once, and that was quite enough of an experience. But I was definitely feeling my Mediterranean roots calling to me yesterday. I marinaded my little octopus friend and went running again along the Arno. I almost lost several fingers in the process of mincing garlic though.... the damned knife blade kept slipping out of the handle. A trip to the kitchenware store is in order on the way home tonight. As much as I love my blood, I don't think it'll make a particularly favorable seasoning. The kitchen smells much better when I use garlic, balsamic, rosemary, and honey (as opposed to various bodily fluids - ink sack included). Also, no fish stink, which means that the octopus was plenty fresh. I think I may have overcooked it a bit though. It was a bit gamey. As I was searing it, I kept thinking "what would Julia have to say about this???" Mom, you've got the book; anything in there?

Sticking with the Mediterranean theme, I checked the box for my new sandalias, and they are the "Riyadh Style" - which granted is in Saudi Arabia, but we're going to go with it. So today I decided to wear my kafiyeh with them. I look more like I'm ready to hit the casbah, but again, we're just going to go with it...

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Octopus Destroyer" Yazge

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