Thursday, September 17, 2009

Non prendete il autobus

This is what it feels like every morning...

So the swine flu has clearly spread to the rest of Florence and is causing riotous madness in not just NYU students, but all the locals as well. The bus this morning was a hot mess. We were more crowded than usual, and the guy next to me smelled like a butt. He must be on the tail end of the swine flu, just getting over it. Two girls on the bus CLEARLY had swine flu, because it was disrupting their mental functioning. This little old lady got on the bus a few stops after all the students piled in. These two girls had grabbed seats, and didn't offer them up to the little old woman who must have been at least a thousand years old. And that's a conservative guess. At most, she's as old as dirt. And all the other students were too busy talking about their weekend trips to allow the Florentines on or off the bus, or offer any other elderly people seats. This could be why everyone thinks that Americans are major tool-bags.

I, on the other hand, still remain healthy and strong. So much so that I packed my lunch today! What's on the menu? Lox and rosemary feta sandwich, a couple pieces of fruit and a Greek yogurt. Well, I'm eating the yogurt now, because I couldn't wait until lunch to eat again. But I did pack it... Odds are there will only be one piece of fruit by the time I actually sit down for lunch. I tend to graze throughout the day as opposed to eat clearly defined meals. I don't let the conventions of society restrict my diet. I am a liberated man! I eat, therefore I am.

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Bus-Braving" Yazge

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