Put on your masks. Put down the prosciutto.
So I was going to write about my adventure to the wine store and how I found this awesome Salumeria on my way home.... but then the Swine flu hit.
Apparently three of the four other people I'm living with are running a fever. The nurse from campus came down and gave us a whole bunch of masks, sanitizer, gloves, thermometers, and one of our sick-o roommates. Technically we can't call it swine flu, because no one has been tested. Officially these are just preventative measures. Unofficially I'm blowing the whistle, waiving the red flag, going public! SWINE FLU HAS HIT FLORENCE! Maybe... I'm the only one that hasn't gotten sick yet. I'm a strong individual. Sturdy. Husky. I'm also the only one that doesn't eat pork. Coincidence? I think not! Ignore the fact that H1N1 doesn't come from eating pork. All that matters is that being a vegetarian has given me the evolutionary advantage.
Will keep you updated as more information becomes available.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Healthy as a Horse" Yazge
husky? and it's actually the "mexican flu". avoid tacos, burritos, fajitas, guacamole, salsa, margaritas, tequila, etc. wait. that's my whole diet.