Sisters on a mission.
Signs of the swine flu epidemic have become so apparent that the nuns have begun to arm themselves. You know, in case the swine flu victims turn into zombies and attempt to take over the world. Habits and handguns go together really well, the only type of black on black wardrobe combination that is guaranteed to work every time. Think of them as crusaders for a cure.
In order to seek refuge from any airport pathogens, we went to a couple bars last night. I figure that all the other people in the bar were adequately sterilized due to the large amounts of alcohol they've been drinking. And I mean sterilized from germs... not as in neutered. The couple making out in the hallway leading to the bathrooms proved that point rather well. I'm sure the armed nuns would have had something to say about it. Perhaps the frisky little couple was just possessed like the swine that were driven into the sea in the bible. Swine flu. Clearly.
As we were leaving the bar, these two Italian guys came up to us. The first one was talking to Susan, and the other one asked me, "Is this your girlfriend?" To which I replied that she wasn't, just a close friend. He told me "That's OK. Let's just pretend" He wanted his friend to leave, and was trying to tell him that Susan was already spoken for in hopes that the friend would leave. When we realized that Susan's suitor wasn't going away anytime soon, the other Italian and I stuck up conversation. Apparently he works as a bus driver for ATAF, and his friend either worked at another club? Or just came from another club? It was loud and I don't remember. But the one thing that stuck out from the conversation was that the guy told me he'd been with his girlfriend for 6 years and - I quote - "All the women are only for fun." (Sounds of guns locking and loading and the ruffle of habits in the distance). Clearly the two Italians were zombies, sex-crazed zombies, not the flesh eating kind, but zombies nonetheless. We didn't stick around to see what the nuns made of the club, but I'm sure there was lots of holy water and sizzling.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Freedom Fighter" Yazge
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