Sunday, December 20, 2009

Zucchero e Cognac

Is she:
A) Filled with the Joy of cooking?
B) On a sugar high?
C) Hopped up on cognac?
D) All of the above

So I was bored this afternoon and started thumbing through my mom's copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking (MtAoFC) hoping to find something to make for Christmas morning. My immediate thought was fish, but right before the section labelled "poisson" is a passage on crêpes. Apparently, according to Julia, you can make this monstrosity of a crêpe tower by layering them with different fillings. One of them involves lots of sugar, creme, and cognac. Very exciting. I always knew I loved Julia, but now that I know she's a fan of the booze, she's just move ahead of Lady Fonda on my list of favorite oldies but goodies.

But as far as Christmas morning, I've settled on Gâteau de Crêpes à la Florentine. Fitting, no? What with all the living in Florence for three and half months this year... It involves layering crêpes with cream cheese, spinach, and mushroom filling. If it sounds gross at first, just think of it as a huge French lasagna. Bon Appetit!

Ciao Bella!

Matteo "Full o' Crêpe" Yazge

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