Yeah. He looked pretty much like that.
He was in awe of how famous I am...
So I had my first celebrity spotting of the year! It's really funny, because I ran into one of my friends on the way home from the gym this morning. In my head I just kept thinking how much he reminded me of Aziz Ansari (and no, not just because they're both Indian). Jump ahead in my life by about an hour, and who do I run into walking down Broadway? AZIZ ANSARI! True story. I'm starting to believe that this whole doppleganger week on Facebook is a lot bigger than any of us know...
This is a good opportunity to plug Parks and Recreation (the most recent show Aziz is on). While a lot of people hammer it for being a rip-off of The Office, I'm a huge fan. I think it's better than The Office and here's why:
- Amy Poehler is hysterical. Enough said.
- It's set in Indiana, and is hysterically accurate in its depiction of the State, the government, and its citizens. Things don't often make sense, but they are pretty darned funny.
- It's still fresh. The Office is suffering from being around to long, and not really knowing where to go. It needs an exit strategy, like what Lost did.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Celeb Spottin'" Yazge
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