So lost, but so amused.
I'm exhausted, but it needs to be said: Lost is back, and all is well with the world. Our world. Not the world that this story takes place in. All hell is breaking loose in that one. There's smoke monsters, people coming back from the dead, people going BACK to the dead. It's a damned mess. And yet, I love every minute of it. So here are my predictions about potential plot developments in this, the final season of Lost.
- Jacob reincarnates. I'm not sure if it'll be through Sayid, or what, but it's going to happen. He'll also return with a vengeance. There's a more likely probability that the season will be all about the hunt for Jacob, who once found will restore sense to the world, but I like the idea of more body possession.
- We discover there are parallel universes. This one's a little obvious, but clearly we can't be on one plane of existence, otherwise everyone on the island would have to be swimming around at the bottom of the ocean. They'd just drown. Unless you're Sayid, in which case you'd come back to life.
- People start remembering. We were given hints about this at the very beginning of the episode when Found-Jack "meets" Found-Desmond. I call them the "Found" versions, because otherwise it gets really hard to differentiate. Add some more blunt force trauma, and people will probably start remembering.
- The return of "You All Everybody". This is really just wishful thinking, but I'd love for that song that Charlie's band sang to come back. It made no sense, just like the rest of the show. It just seemed to fit.
Ciao Bella!
Matteo "Lost and never Found" Yazge
I heard that this was absolutely bonkers and not understandable. So happy I didn't start this series... I'd be... Lost!